Do you want to be a CEO and own your business? Have you seen all these advertisements saying how it’s great to be your own boss and think to yourself that it will be awesome? Do you see pictures on Instagram of people traveling the world, talking about how much freedom they are able to enjoy because they have their own businesses (and sometimes saying they can teach you how to do the same)? The media presents a certain image of what the ideal life should look like. Am I the only one noticing these things?

The truth is, not everyone is called to be a CEO. I know what you are thinking: how could you undermine my abilities? I’m not. If that’s what you want, I think you should go for it. And I will be here cheering you on because you are pursuing your dream. 

What I don’t want you to do is look at someone else’s vision and think it should be your vision. Financial freedom looks different for everyone. Just because your vision is different from what you see on TV or social media, it doesn’t make it less valuable. Knowing who you are and what brings you joy will help you define what your financial freedom should look like. 

Another thing to consider is that behind every successful CEO, there is a team helping build his vision. You can be #2 or #10 in a company and still do very well for yourself. You don’t need to be at the top. The belief that a person is not successful because he/she doesn’t own a business is invalid. Again, this is not to discourage anyone from pursuing an entrepreneurial activity.

Which brings me to my last point: if you are not a great employee, you will probably not be a great CEO. It’s easier to be an employee than an owner. Entrepreneurship will test you in many different ways:

  • Work ethic: you will have to work harder (especially in the beginning) than you ever worked as an employee.
  • Leadership: because it’s your vision, you need to communicate with the team to guide the execution of your vision.
  • Risk: you invest time, money or other resources to create something that may or may not work.
  • Stress: because you have put so much on the line, it can sometimes create anxiety. You have more responsibilities and you can’t just walk away since it’s your company.

The most important thing to remember is that you don’t need a CEO salary to start building wealth. It might take a little longer, but it’s possible. Wealth building is a lifestyle. The next time you see a Facebook ad ask yourself: do I really want that?

“Wealth is an abundance of both money and meaning.” Hugh Kimura