About This Website

I immigrated to this country as a young adult and had no idea about finances. Maybe because I was young but also because it was a new country with different sets of social-economics rules. Soon after I enrolled in college, I became accustomed to credit cards, student loans, hard work, expensive living, etc. It was not all bad, I had the opportunity to go to school and earn two degrees. I had my first job, learned how to drive, and other great things that this country has to offer. I didn’t hear people talk about money a lot. I wondered if it was because it’s a very personal subject or if it’s because they didn’t care. When I would say that I didn’t have money to spend, people would suggest that I use a credit card. I was shocked. Everyone seemed to think that it was normal to have debt, leave paycheck to paycheck, and not own anything. I told myself that I did not come this far to not make it. That’s where my journey with personal finances began. I want to share what I have done and learned on this journey to hopefully inspire others to take control of their finances. There were victories gained and mistakes made, but the important thing is to keep going no matter what.


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